Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Quest with Birds, Bisons,Antelopes and Mokeys..

Last week, we had a great opportunity to participate, learn and make a beginning and I wish we will take forward a good beginning that we have made.

The School and the pupils

This is how we ended up drawing birds! I started to draw a Sunbird but ended up drawing a Kiwi instead!

And a great Morning to begin with…

A Wagtail basking in the sun

I wish I had these morning walks every day

Hog deer has spotted something!!!

Looks like the Kingfisher has got a fish…

Here comes the Bison.. The Hero….

Can you tell me something more about the bird we spotted?

Guess what? He is trying to simplify …

Looks like he has simplified it for Mantis…
Canons shooting birds….

As the Guru says.. it is a complex and interconnected world out there, we should respect each others place in nature.


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